January 20, 2025 |
Nadia Scott

Do you have an energetic, super-smart pooch? (Silly question, of course you do!)

But perhaps you’re finding it hard to deal with a few problem behaviours?

Or maybe you’re concerned your busy working week leaves little opportunity for quality time, socialisation, and enrichment?

This is something we hear about often when dog parents enquire with us for the first time. They have the most amazing dogs that bring a lot of love and joy to the family, but the second they’re left alone, the barking, digging, and chewing begins.  

Parents come in to chat with our team at Everything Dog team because they want what’s best for their dogs (and their belongings, and their neighbours…sigh), and they wonder if daycare might be a good solution to help their pooch burn some energy and fill their social cup.

The good news is, that more often than not, daycare is the perfect way to help with many of these problem behaviours while improving well-being and overall happiness.

How can I tell if my dog would benefit from daycare?

Over the years, we’ve noticed a few common signs that a dog might really benefit from the enriching environment that daycare provides. If any of these sound familiar, it might be worth coming in to talk with the Everything Dog team about ways we can support you and your pooch.


1. Excessive or nuisance barking

This is the most common ‘problem behaviour’ that we hear about. It often occurs when dogs are left alone for long periods of time (i.e. all day when you’re at work). Sometimes, dog parents are entirely unaware this is happening until they receive a letter from a disgruntled neighbour in their letterbox, or – worse – a call from the council’s Animal Management Team.

The reality is, one of the most common causes of excessive barking is separation anxiety, along with frustration and boredom. These are hard issues to address if you need to be away from your dog for work, or other activities. 

Daycare can be a great solution, and we’ve seen first-hand the positive impacts regular daycare sessions at Everything Dog can have on a dog’s behaviour at home. This is because daycare provides your dog with the mental and physical stimulation they crave. They have time for play, plenty of socialisation opportunities tailored to each dog’s needs and temperament, along with access to enrichment activities that allow them to use all of their innate senses to investigate and problem-solve. 

When dogs are adequately stimulated, they have less reason to bark – plus, by the time you get them home, they’ll probably be so tired they’re more likely to rest than make a whole lot of noise!

2. Destructive behaviours e.g. digging and chewing

Another frustrating issue dog parents often raise with us is the tendency to destroy items when they’re left alone. It could be shoes, furniture, pillows… or even a lawn that’s suddenly looking like it’s home to a whole herd of rabbits!

Now, this doesn’t mean your dog is ‘bad’ – but it can mean your energetic pooch is full of energy but has no way to burn it. When they aren’t receiving the mental and physical stimulation they need to thrive, they will seek other outlets, and sadly, your belongings or your garden may end up being the target of digging and chewing.

We’ve seen time and time again how daycare can provide a positive turning point for dogs displaying these behaviours. When they spend the day with us at Everything Dog, they have a safe space to explore, socialise and burn off that energy. You’ll likely find that when they come home, they’re much too tired to chew on your favourite pair of shoes, and more likely to curl up for a good cuddle. 

3. Anxious Behaviours

It’s really common for dogs to show signs of anxiety and stress when they’re left alone. You might hear them make a bit of noise when you go to leave the house – but what you might not see is the pacing, whining and scratching that can go on throughout the day. 

Now, we’re not suggesting that all dogs behave like this for the whole time every time you leave the house. Like us, dogs handle stress and loneliness in different ways. But if your dog is one to become quite stressed, or to experience separation anxiety, it could be time to consider daycare.

When dogs come and spend the day with us at Everything Dog, they’ll be in great company – both human and canine. We socialise our dogs in groups both big and small, according to your dog’s needs and preferences, and they’ll be having so much fun exploring our indoor and outdoor enrichment zones, that they’ll hardly notice your absence.

4. Limited socialisation

Dogs are innately social creatures – just like us. They require regular interaction with other dogs for optimum health and wellbeing. If your dog doesn’t get the opportunity for frequent socialisation with other dogs, you might notice that when they do meet with other dogs when you’re put and about, they seem cautious or even reactive. You might also notice the opposite of this, and find that your dog is overly excited and overbearing when they’re around others, to the point of becoming an annoyance.

While regular socialising is important, we also have full appreciation for the fact that our lives are busier than they ever have been before. Work and family demands can make it difficult to fit in regular social time for your dog. But that’s why we exist!

Daycare provides a safe environment for your dog to explore, have fun, and build their social skills. Whether you have a young pup who needs to learn how to interact positively with others, an adult dog who needs support to build confidence and calmness around other dogs or humans, or even just your super social pooch who loves to be around others, our environment is the perfect space to facilitate this.

5. Boundless Energy

Does your dog seem to be powered by a never-ending battery? You’re not alone (labs, goldies, border collies, and all the oodles, I’m looking at you!). We love our high-energy pooches, but it can also be challenging to provide an outlet for them when life gets busy. 

Everything Dog is the perfect place to put a lot of that energy to good use through play, enrichment activities, and socialisation. When you come back to collect them after work, you’ll probably find they’re well and truly ready to hit relax mode!


Why Dog Daycare Could Be the Perfect Fit 

As you can see, we’re much more than glorified dog sitters. Our space is designed to provide your dog with mental and physical stimulation, socialisation, and a whole lot of love. Whether it’s reducing unwanted behaviours or providing exercise, or even just keeping your dog busy with enrichment activities, daycare at Everything Dog offers so many benefits to your dog’s wellbeing.

If you’ve noticed any of the behaviours above, consider this your sign to pop in and see our team or book in an assessment here via our enquiry form here. We’d love to meet you both and learn about ways we can best support your dog in the daycare environment.

See you soon!


Learn more about our daycare services & other helpful blogs below: